Training Options

Explore current training options below. I am continuing to build out different programs so check back for updates. Ready to get started? Fill out the training interest form. Questions? Send me an email at

1-on-1 Coaching

Work together closely with customized monthly training, and check-in calls and communication with Coach Lizzy.


  • Initial consult call

  • Weekly check-in video or phone calls

  • Training calendar, updated monthly, via FinalSurge (available online and on app).

  • Calendar updates and modifications available as much as needed.

  • Running education on topics including hydration, fueling, recovery, and gear

  • Support from Coach Lizzy via email

  • Race day strategy planning call

Pricing: $150 per month

Customized Training Plan

Receive a customized training plan for the duration of your training cycle (2-6 months depending on your goals).


  • Initial consult call

  • Training calendar, available all at once, via FinalSurge (available online and on app)

  • Monthly training plan review call

Pricing: $50 per month